The Writing and Art of Hypatia Judith

Capturing worlds, distant and close.


Prints can be found on my Darkroom page, with 8x10 prints on lustre paper starting at just $10! Inquire via email for fine art darkroom prints/enlargements.

About Me

My name is Hypatia, I am a transgender photographer, artist, musician, coyote and Jew. (its/her)

How to Measure The Distance to The Moon

The night sky is captivating. Barring light pollution and bad weather, our little window to the universe offers stunning sights. From the ethereal glow of bright nebulae to the dark dust lanes in the Milky Way, space awakens something primordial in us. Everyone remembers their first time seeing the Moon or Saturn through a telescope. Despite the ever-present romance of space, there is a seeming detachment from the general public and astronomers. Though there have been numerous contributions to astronomy by citizen scientists, many people believe understanding the night sky requires a degree to do. Or worse still, there is an alarming amount of individuals believe that it is all somehow part of a massive conspiracy to hide aliens or the shape of the Earth.

Gassendi Crater and Lunar Maria Captured on April 23, 2021


There's nothing here right now, but hopefully soon I will have more writing available!